Wills, Trusts, & Other Gifts - Columbia Land Trust
Bald Eagle by Rollin Bannow

When you give to Columbia Land Trust, you leverage decades of experience, expertise, and relationships to accomplish meaningful, permanent conservation. From the coastal wetlands to cascading rivers, alpine meadows, and old-growth forests, the landscapes of the Northwest stay with us forever. There are many ways to give to Columbia Land Trust that can deliver benefits to the Northwest and tax benefits to you:

Make a Bequest

Allocate any amount, percentage, or the remainder of your estate or other assets to Columbia Land Trust through your will or revocable living trust. It’s easy to do and donors who leave a bequest can take an estate tax deduction of 100 percent of the gift’s value. This is a perfect way to benefit Columbia Land Trust when you no longer need your assets yourself. When you make a gift to Columbia Land Trust through a will or living trust, you become a member of our Heritage Circle. As a member, you create a lasting legacy in conservation for generations to come.

Designate a Retirement Plan

Name the Land Trust as a beneficiary of your retirement account as a way to give back and gain tax savings. IRA accounts listing Columbia Land Trust as the beneficiary are free of estate and income taxes.

List us on your Life Insurance Policy

Naming the Land Trust as a beneficiary of your life insurance policies gives the insurance proceeds to us and removes them from your taxable estate.

If you’ve already included Columbia Land Trust in your estate plans, let us know. We’d like to thank you!  Sharing your plans with the Land Trust not only helps us better assess our financial picture, but also helps our staff make important conservation decisions.

Columbia Land Trust will work with you and your professional advisors to set up the best type of fund to support the work you care about. Contact Jennifer Samwel at jsamwel@columbialandtrust.org or (360) 907-6612 to let us know what you’re thinking, and we will help you explore the available options.