Donate Stock - Columbia Land Trust
Camas flower. Photo by Brian Chambers Photography

Thank you so much for making a stock gift to Columbia Land Trust. We are grateful for your generosity. The instructions below will assist you in giving stock that is held by your broker or commercial banker to Columbia Land Trust.

1. If you will be transferring the securities from an account you have with Charles Schwab & Co., then you need to instruct Schwab to move the stock or other securities from your Schwab account to our Schwab account.  This can be done with a Letter of Authorization stating:

  • “Please move (describe the stock/bond/etc. to be transferred, including the number of shares) from my brokerage account XXXX-XXXX into Columbia Land Trust’s account 5537-8494.”
  • Print your name, and sign and date the letter, and add a contact phone number.
  •   Submit that Letter of Authorization to Schwab, and also email a notice of your intentions to so that we know to look for your donation to arrive in our account.
  • You can email the documents via the account holders’ secure “message center” at You can also send documents to Schwab at: Charles Schwab, PO Box 52114, Phoenix, AZ 85072, and via FAX:  888-526-7252.

2. If you will be transferring securities from an account you have with a firm other than Charles Schwab & Co., then you should ask a customer service representative of that firm for assistance.  There may be a form that your firm wants you to fill out.  You will need the following information to identify the account to which your gift will be transferred:

  • Our account is at Charles Schwab & Co. and is in the name of “Columbia Land Trust.”
  • Our account number at Schwab is 5537-8494.
  • The DTC number is 0164.

If you will be transferring securities from an account you have with a firm other than Schwab, kindly let us know so that we know to look for your gift to arrive. Please send an email to and attach a copy of the form or letter of instruction you provided to your firm.

If you have any questions or have any trouble with your transaction, please do feel free to contact us.

As always, thank you so much for your gift to Columbia Land Trust!