Nature Knows Best
Natural climate solutions represent a key strategy to combat climate change

The Muse: Climate Action in the Place We Live
This issue, our muse comes from Stewardship Director Ian Sinks

Return to Kerry Island
Partners Inter-Fluve and Columbia Land Trust visit an estuary restoration site three years post construction, with an eye on the future.

Adidas Pitches In
In August, a group of eight volunteer from adidas helped pick up trash along the Elochoman River

Wind River Reprise
Recent success on Washington’s Wind River conserves healthy stands of old forest and a stunning stretch of river.

It’s All About the People
Relationships and community remain at the heart of the Land Trust’s projects

Mount St. Helens Vision Realized
Columbia Land Trust and a timber company Pope Resources find common ground, complete decade-long, 20,000-acre plan benefitting local forestry and wildlife.

Planting Zen Volunteer Day
Roll up your sleeves alongside the Land Trust's Emerging Leaders Council at NE Portland's Dharma Rain Zen Center for a day of backyard habitat restoration.