Stories By

Mount St. Helens Vision Realized
Columbia Land Trust and a timber company Pope Resources find common ground, complete decade-long, 20,000-acre plan benefitting local forestry and wildlife.

Backyard Continued
The Backyard Habitat Certification Program announces its expansion into more area of Clackamas County.

Backyard Confidential
Notes from inside the backyard habitat certification process

Fieldbook Crawls Out for Spring
Our first edition of our 2018 Fieldbook magazine is now out!

Hear the Cranes Come
A farming experiment is benefiting endangered sandhill cranes and could establish new research for crane conservation in the Northwest.

Weathering the Storm
Climate resilience guides the Land Trust’s conservation agenda.

Spider Whisperer
One of the region’s only spider scientists recently visited Land Trust property and we got the lowdown on spider legend versus spider fact, and how to care for your local spider cluster.

An Unlikely Story
Jenny Bruso, self-identified fat, femme, queer, writer, and hiker, is challenging the outdoor world.