Stories By

Give Forests
UPDATE: We raised over $4,000 in a single day during this year's Give More 24! campaign. Thank you to all the generous donors who helped us fund trees that will leave a lasting legacy on our cherished landscapes.
Meet Susie Peterson
Columbia Land Trust is excited to introduce Susie Peterson as its new Backyard Habitat Certification Program manager (BHCP). Together with our partners at Audubon Society of Portland, she’s excited to lead the continued growth and impact of the transformative program. Communications manager Jay Kosa sat down with Susie to chat about her background.
Remembering Tom
The Land Trust's Executive Director Glenn Lamb reflects on the life of Tom Moeller and the impact he made on our work.
Estimated Departure Time
Columbia Land Trust Executive Director Glenn Lamb shares the awe-inspiring experience of observing sandhill cranes in the midst of their annual migration.