Restoration Stories

Balsamroot Seeds Collected on Our Four Sisters Property Headed For Columbia Gorge Discovery Center
Did you know that it takes an average of 10 years for balsamroot grown from seed to develop its first flower? And that a mature balsamroot plant can be decades old? Plant expert Barbara Robinson shared these remarkable facts when we visited our Four Sisters property for a wildflower-seed collection workshop in May. Barbara’s been…
Read MoreOn the Wallacut, We’re Welcoming Back the Water.
We’re gearing up for Wallacut River restoration 2014! The Lower Columbia River Estuary is the last river stop in the epic journey of young salmon making their way to the ocean. The more food and shelter they find there, the stronger they’ll be when they hit the ocean, and the better their chances are to…
Read MoreCaring for an Island of Life in Vancouver’s Orchards Neighborhood
Surrounded by a gravel pit, an old airport, and block after block of suburban and industrial development, 10-acre Green Cathedral doesn’t exemplify most people’s idea of wildness. On the other hand, it is a cathedral (of sorts). The former farm is one of the last remnants of green space in this part of Vancouver’s Orchards…
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Home Grown: A Portland Family Goes a Little Wild
What happens when you turn a yard into Willamette Valley native habitat? More life.

Mussel Mass
With a healthy population of western pearlshells, Schoolhouse Creek is going strong.

Stand Tall
Along the Elochoman River, we're transforming a tree farm into what it once was: a wild forest teeming with life.