Willapa Bay & Long Beach Peninsula

2016 in Review
Ten ways you made a difference for the nature of the northwest in 2016.

[In the Media] Chinook Observer features Wallacut River restoration
The Chinook Observer takes an in-depth look at Columbia Land Trust's efforts to restore 113 acres of wetland habitat along the Wallacut River in Pacific County, Washington.

Marsh Marvels
Conservation efforts at the tip of Long Beach Peninsula protect endangered species within a fragile ecosystem.

Wild Concoctions
On the Long Beach Peninsula, Conservation and Cranberries Go Hand In Hand.

Long Beach Peninsula Project Awarded Coastal Wetland Grant
Columbia Land Trust scored a major victory this week when its Long Beach Peninsula Wetlands Conservation Project was awarded a $914,375 grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Columbia Land Trust will acquire and protect 400 acres of declining coastal wetlands, riparian areas and conifer forest on the Long Beach Peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and Willapa Bay,…
Read MoreSnowy Plover Chicks Coming Soon to Long Beach Dunes
Snowy plover are back nesting at Leadbetter Point! There are only two consistently successful nesting sites in all of Washington State: Leadbetter Point State Park at the northern tip of the Long Beach Peninsula and Midway Beach, located between Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor. In a 2012 survey, scientists counted only 33 birds in Washington.…
Read More[In the Media] The Land Trust Conserves 62 Acres on the Long Beach Peninsula
Read Shari Piel’s story about our latest acquisition in the Longview Daily News. The acquisition will conserve a part of Hines Marsh, home to trumpeter swans and one of the largest “interdunal wetlands” in the Pacific Northwest.
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