
River Wrap
Newly completed floodplain restoration along Washington’s Upper Elochoman River will benefit threatened fish species and other wildlife.
Species Spotlight: Marbled murrelet

The imperiled marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus)  is a cup-sized, coastal bird that few people have had the opportunity to observe. Columbia Land Trust has conserved more than 1,600 acres of tidal wetlands and old-growth forests along Washington’s Long Beach Peninsula and Willapa Bay in hopes that the small populations of marbled murrelets remaining will find…

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Small but Mighty
Our newest acquisition connects a small but critical piece of land to one of Washington's largest and most important nesting areas.
Forestry Fellows
The World Forestry Center’s International Fellows recently toured the Land Trust’s Pine Creek property to learn about conservation forestry.
Oregon Walk the Land Day
On Saturday, June 24th, land trusts across Oregon want you to get outside and learn about the collective conservation efforts across the state.
Seal Slough: Part 2
With its latest acquisition on Willapa Bay, Columbia Land Trust is building on a large-scale, collaborative conservation effort to protect habitat of international importance.
More than Land
A newly acquired property on the Long Beach Peninsula comes with historical and biological importance.