Clark County

2016 in Review
Ten ways you made a difference for the nature of the northwest in 2016.

A Very Merry Fieldbook
Deck the halls with our winter edition of Fieldbook.

Rock Creek Rising
Stewardship efforts along a Clark County stream benefit steelhead and return a tamed landscape to the wild

[In the Media] Sandhill crane project graces cover of The Columbian
The June 9th issue of The Columbian detailed Columbia Land Trust's plans to farm 541 acres west of Vancouver Lake for the benefit of migrating sandhill cranes.

Estimated Departure Time
Columbia Land Trust Executive Director Glenn Lamb shares the awe-inspiring experience of observing sandhill cranes in the midst of their annual migration.

Crane Attraction
The recent conservation of 541 acres in the Vancouver Lake lowlands leaves space for iconic sandhill cranes.

A Greenway in the Making
As trilliums bloom along the banks of the East Fork Lewis River, plans on a comprehensive greenway come one step closer to fruition.

Collaboration Key to Flume Creek Conservation
With support from Columbia Land Trust, Clark County is conserving 150 acres of prime wildlife habitat along Flume Creek, just south of Ridgefield, Washington.