Press Clips

[In the Media] Field trip to the Klickitat River covered by the Goldendale Sentinel

An article in the Goldendale Sentinel detailed a recent outdoor education opportunity organized by Yakama Nation Fisheries and hosted on the site of Columbia Land Trust’s haul road removal project on the Klickitat River. On April 14th, 50 seventh-graders from Goldendale Middle School learned about salmon habitat, physiology and fish dissection, water quality sampling, and…

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[In the Media] Columbia Land Trust featured on National Geographic’s Ocean Views Blog

In a National Geographic Ocean Views blog post titled “United for Salmon: Preserving the Pacific Northwest“, Angela M. Thomas of the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic (LEX-NG) Fund, highlights Columbia Land Trust’s efforts to restore salmon habitat in tributaries along the lower Columbia River. Much of this work is made possible through a generous grant from the LEX-NG…

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[In the Media] Our Pine Creek West Purchase featured in the Columbian

A crucial phase of our multi-year Mount St. Helens Forest Conservation effort recently came to fruition when we purchased the development rights for 3,095 acres of contiguous forestlands west of Pine Creek. The purchase permanently protects critical riverside habitat and ensures continued forestry on some 2,885 acres. Read more in the Columbian.

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[In the Media] Our Powerdale Project in the Hood River News

Columbia Land Trust will remove 2,600 feet of  decaying steel pipe along the Hood River while leaving the trail section of the pipeline intact. It’s a beautiful thing when restoration work can happily coexist with public and recreational access. Read more in the Hood River News.

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[In the Media] Glenn Lamb’s Op-Ed Appears on OregonLive

In this Oregonian op-ed, Executive Director Glenn Lamb and the Trust for Public Land’s Diane Daggett argue that Congress should fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The fund enables the conservation and care of  many of Oregon’s and Washington’s natural areas (and natural areas across the country). It also helps take care of local parks, improving people’s…

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