
Caring for an Island of Life in Vancouver’s Orchards Neighborhood

Surrounded by a gravel pit, an old airport, and block after block of suburban and industrial development, 10-acre Green Cathedral doesn’t exemplify most people’s idea of wildness. On the other hand, it is a cathedral (of sorts). The former farm is one of the last remnants of green space in this part of Vancouver’s Orchards…

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Mussel Mass
With a healthy population of western pearlshells, Schoolhouse Creek is going strong.
Shored Up
Caring for this iconic Columbia River island requires vigilance...and some heavy equipment.
Fields of Joy
Vernal pools, balsam root, and uninterrupted views made Four Sisters worth saving.
Dome Deal
South of Mount St. Helens, a landscape logged for decades will become a great Northwest forest of the future.
A Powerful Future
Our charge on the Hood River? Make a classic Northwest river even better for wildlife and people.
Stand Tall
Along the Elochoman River, we're transforming a tree farm into what it once was: a wild forest teeming with life.
Bay Watch
Caring for Willapa Bay means caring for the waterways that flow directly into it.
Kerry On
Before a levee was built, Kerry Island was intimately connected with the tides. Soon it will be again.