Featured Stories

Welcoming Meg Rutledge
Dr. Megan Rutledge will begin her role in January 2023, bringing extensive conservation leadership experience and ecological expertise

From Forest to Front Yard
A New Backyard Habitat Demonstration Site Offers Native Plant Inspiration

Discover Two Newly Conserved Sites
East Fork Lewis River: Optimist Club Youth Camp Columbia Land Trust helped permanently protect a forested youth camp in the heart of Clark County, in partnership with the Optimist Club of Vancouver. The 46-acre parcel sits along the East Fork Lewis River adjacent to a popular county park, in an area that is a conservation…
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Restoration Along the Elochoman
Returning Nelson Creek to its Historic Path To Restore Wetlands and Improve Fish Habitat

Fall 2022 Fieldbook
Featuring stories about restoration work along the Elochoman River and the importance of oaks

White Salmon Open House
Join us for an office-warming party at our new home in White Salmon!

Wild Splendor 2022
Join us to celebrate the land, water, wildlife, and people of the Pacific Northwest! In 2022, we are again hosting a series of outdoor tours that foster connections with nature and with each other. These events are free of charge, though you are welcome to make a donation during the registration process to support our…
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East Cascades Oak Partnership Receives $7.1 Million OWEB Grant
Funding will advance conservation, stewardship, outreach, and monitoring on Oregon white oak landscapes in the East Cascades