Featured Stories

Fieldbook Takes a Closer Look
Marvel at the curiosities in the pages of our summer edition.

Eastern Muse
How an ecoregion spurred a powerful partnership.

New Look, Same Trust
After 25 years, Columbia Land Trust is updating its look.

Stewards of the Land
Monitoring efforts get a boost thanks to dedicated volunteers.

Where Adventure Meets Stewardship
The Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund has awarded Columbia Land Trust a $25,000 grant to restore salmon habitat along the Columbia River and its major tributaries.

[Guest Blog] Right Work
Columbia Land Trust volunteer Tara Shepersky reflects on the transformative power of volunteering in nature.

Estimated Departure Time
Columbia Land Trust Executive Director Glenn Lamb shares the awe-inspiring experience of observing sandhill cranes in the midst of their annual migration.

One Yard at a Time
As Backyard Habitat Certification Program Manager Gaylen Beatty moves on, a Columbia Land Trust staffer reflects on the program's powerful impact.