Featured Stories

Meet Susie Peterson
Columbia Land Trust is excited to introduce Susie Peterson as its new Backyard Habitat Certification Program manager (BHCP). Together with our partners at Audubon Society of Portland, she’s excited to lead the continued growth and impact of the transformative program. Communications manager Jay Kosa sat down with Susie to chat about her background.
Where Adventure Meets Stewardship
The Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund has awarded Columbia Land Trust a $25,000 grant to restore salmon habitat along the Columbia River and its major tributaries.
Estimated Departure Time
Columbia Land Trust Executive Director Glenn Lamb shares the awe-inspiring experience of observing sandhill cranes in the midst of their annual migration.
One Yard at a Time
As Backyard Habitat Certification Program Manager Gaylen Beatty moves on, a Columbia Land Trust staffer reflects on the program's powerful impact.
Marsh Marvels
Conservation efforts at the tip of Long Beach Peninsula protect endangered species within a fragile ecosystem.