Featured Stories

2020 Conservation Report
Take an in-depth look at the conservation and stewardship work happening on the ground throughout the lower Columbia River region.

Wildboy Creek Conserved
Columbia Land Trust conserves 1,300 acres of forestland to remove 55-foot dam and free Wildboy Creek in partnership with Cowlitz Indian Tribe

COVID-19 Response
Columbia Land Trust is taking steps to do its part in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 illness.

Look to Nature
Nature can be a companion and a source of peace and perspective in the days ahead.

Trading Forested Places
Columbia Land Trust is spearheading an innovative pilot program to bolster southern Washington’s rural forest economy and further conservation of old forests.

An Ecosystem at Work
Hundreds of bald eagles swarmed the sky during the most recent smelt run in the Grays River in Wahkiakum County

A Day With the Green Jobs Interns
A day in the field, talking restoration with four new Green Jobs interns

A Community Forest Grows
Columbia Land Trust & the Mt. Adams Resource Stewards have partnered to expand the Mt. Adams Community Forest in Klickitat County