Keller Woodlands
Learn about our work at Keller Woodlands.
Columbia Land Trust’s Keller Woodlands is a 40-acre property forested with second-growth Douglas-fir, western hemlock, western red cedar, and bigleaf maple. It contains multiple waterflow systems that lead into the Willamette river watershed. Keller Woodlands is part of a chain of natural areas that traverse the West Hills of southwest Portland, forming a wildlife corridor and connecting habitat in Forest Park to the north and Tryon Creek State Natural Area to the south. Keller Woodlands is adjacent to Marquam Nature Park in southwest Portland and these local resource provides the city with hiking amenities and forested scenic vistas, in addition to enhancing local air and water quality.
From the downtown Portland-area, drive south on Broadway and cross I-405. Stay left and then turn right at the 6th Ave junction. Continue on 6th Ave until it becomes Terwilliger Blvd. At the junction of Sam Jackson Park Rd at Duniway Park, keep right. Make a sharp left turn uphill, then turn right at the Marquam Nature Park Shelter sign.