Accreditation Renewed
Columbia Land Trust is excited to announce that the Land Trust Alliance Accreditation Commission has renewed our accreditation! Accreditation is awarded to Land Trusts that meet the highest national standards for organizational excellence and conservation permanence, and must be renewed every five years through a multi-step process that includes a robust review of documentation and…
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Funding Awarded to Conserve Working Forest
A major step forward in our work to conserve 6,300 acres in Trout Lake

Landscape Spotlight: The Pacific Flyway
In 2019, researchers and conservationists sounded the alarm when a scientific study revealed that North American bird populations have plummeted by three billion since 1970—that is one-in-four birds gone. Without action, these declines will likely accelerate, and Columbia Land Trust is dedicated to conserving our region’s critical habitat, for birds and other wildlife. The Pacific…
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Exploring the Benefits of Prescribed Fire
Columbia Land Trust staff participate in Learn and Burn workshop

Partnership Powers New Vantage Points
New trail segment in Hood River's Powerdale Natural Area

Benefiting Wildlife on Land and Water
Land management practices help Pacific Salmon thrive

Spring 2023 Fieldbook
More than 800 acres of forest conserved in Multnomah County and a new trail section in Hood River

2022-2023 Conservation Report
Our 2022-2023 Conservation Report is here! We are excited to share highlights from all that we accomplished last year and offer glimpses of the incredible impact to come. In 2022 we conserved 1,230 acres of the region’s most important natural places—old forests, oak habitats, and essential salmon spawning sites—including an 820-acre project over 20 years in…
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