Volunteer at Beth Ryan Nature Preserve – April 26th, 2024

Join us for a morning of volunteer work at Beth Ryan Nature Preserve, a small, beloved trail in Lake Oswego that borders a seasonal wetland. Several trees fell across the trail in the January ice storm, and the work to clean up the debris has left the trail in need of some rehab! We will…

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Wild Splendor: Hood River Restoration Tour
We're kicking off our 2023 Wild Splendor tour series with a rare chance to access the site of the former Powerdale Dam on the Hood River, where our restoration work has been under way for ten years.
Oak Gall Ink Making Workshop

The East Cascades Oaks Partnership is excited to present our Oak Gall Ink Making Workshop with artist Molly Holmlund as part of the White Salmon Wildflower Festival. Guests will begin with the ink-making process, then during the 20 minutes time it takes for their oak galls to soak, Columbia Land Trust staff will give a…

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Earth Day 2023 in Hood River

Join Hood River Valley Parks & Recreation and Columbia Land Trust for an Earth Day event on Saturday, April 22nd! There will be a short program as we officially open a new section of the Indian Creek Trail that was finished this winter. Afterwards, we invite you to take a self-guided walk along the trail…

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