Fieldbook Archive - Columbia Land Trust

 click to readFieldbook, Fall 2015

In this issue, the Land Trust explains why conserved lands and cranberry bogs make good neighbors; the symbiosis between oaks and lichen; conservation on the Grays River and the Tualatin River; and an educational partnership with Mount Hood Community College. Plus: upcoming volunteer opportunities and a look back at our fall gala, Wild Splendor.


Fieldbook, Summer 2015

The Land Trust finds allies in amphibian conservation; Looking back on 25 years of progress; Insights on changing social and physical landscapes in the Columbia River region; Recent conservation success along Flume Creek in Clark County. Plus: upcoming tours, volunteer opportunities, and special events.

Download our 2014 Annual Report insert

FieldBookSpring15_Cover_web-copyFieldbook, Spring 2015

Beavers and human designs overlap on Northwest streams; Why one local traveler is carrying a piece of the land with her to Spain; Conservation success through collaboration south of Mount St Helens; and the Backyard Habitat program expands. Plus: the story behind our new Portland office and upcoming volunteer opportunities.

FieldBookFall14_Cover_web copy

Fieldbook, Fall 2014

The underdog salmon fights for its life; how a technology called Lidar helps us do our work; a challenging quest to save the endangered Columbian white-tailed deer; and a 16-year-old amphibian egg mass expert. Plus: Wild Splendor and the world premiere of The River’s Will.


Fieldbook, Spring 2014

New lands in the Grays River area; funding for our Klickitat Working Forest project; the Backyard Habitat Program and Green Zebra Grocery team up;  and we acquire new acreage on the Long Beach Peninsula. Plus: our 2013 annual report.



Fieldbook, Winter 2013

A gorgeous cover by photographer Sharon Beals; our road removal project on the Klickitat; and our restoration project at Kandoll Farm on the Grays River. Plus: A Portland hill dweller shares why she placed her land a conservation easement on her 80-acre property.



Fieldbook, Fall 2013

Our new property on Mount St. Helens; we acquire Columbia River Gorge’s Pierce Island; a new parcel along the North Nemah River, which flows into Willapa Bay. Plus: a volunteer site steward and the Sandy River that inspires him.


 Fieldbook, Summer 2013

Wildflowers on Four Sisters; our Hood River acquisition (and our new Hood River office!); Kerry Island, a Columbia River island near Westport, Oregon; and a  Portland family goes wild for native habitat. Plus: our 2012 annual report.