Restoration Progress at Nelson Creek - Columbia Land Trust
Native wetland vegetation thrives ten months after planting

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The landscape is lush with native wetland vegetation at Nelson Creek, a tributary of the Elochoman River, where ten months ago Columbia Land Trust completed a major restoration effort to return the creek to its historic floodplain and improve habitat conditions. We are excited to share new photos taken at a few key sites that show how much the landscape has changed already and how some of the nearly 200,000 native trees and shrubs that were installed last winter are progressing!

Native grasses, sedges, rushes, and trees that were planted last November line the stream bank with a rich green color. A constructed swale provides topographical complexity to the landscape. Fish have been sighted upstream, including juvenile salmonids that benefit from woody debris that was intentionally placed throughout the project area. A resident beaver has engineered a small dam upstream that further enhances riparian habitat.

Our stewardship team is currently working on controlling invasive upland weeds and will continue to maintain plantings and monitor hydrology. We can’t wait to watch as the site continues to evolve!

You can read more about the Nelson Creek restoration project here.